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MP3 of US Geography Songs - Zip File

The US Geography Songs mp3 download contains 44 tracks for you to sing and learn!  You will be able to access your songs directly from this site.

The first 21 tracks are directly from the CCHappyMom songs featured on YouTube, sung without interruption!    Songs include all 50 states and capitals, most of the major US Mountains, significant US Bays, Rivers, Trails, and Canals, in addition to US Territories, Deserts, and other significant features!

SPECIAL FEATURES:  The next 15 tracks include several of the same songs from above, but this time with either two voices singing in harmony OR one voice with a piano accompaniment!  The final 8 tracks present only the piano accompaniment for YOU to sing along, on your own!  You can do it!

LYRICS: The words to each song will be emailed to you to print out, if you would like to sing along!  As the lyrics file is a word document, it will be sent to you separately in an email.  This email should arrive within 2-3 business days.  Thanks for your patience!